
13 February 2019

Spring Newsletter - 2019

The uncertainty associated with the current Brexit debate is proving to be a real distraction for investors. This is understandable because it is very unsettling and markets don’t like uncertainty. This leads to lower share prices and it has a direct effect on our savings and investments which none of us enjoy. The tendency is to forget about our own personal finances until things get better but this could prove to be an expensive mistake.

In our newsletter, Barry O’Neill talks about why it might be a good time to think about investing. It is much better to buy when prices are low rather than wait until things improve and prices rise.

It is still important to make sure you maximise all the tax reliefs and allowances available to you. Richard Wadsworth reminds you of what you should consider before the tax year end.

A financial plan is about the long term and the current market volatility is normal. It is the price we pay for the extra return we receive when we stay the course. Brexit is a major issue in Europe but we invest globally and not just in shares. Provided you make a plan, stick to it and diversify across countries and asset classes, you should be able to sleep soundly in the confidence that your finances are in good shape!

If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to contact me at

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