
20 May 2014

The Carbon Four Offices Cycle Challenge

On 23rd May, Carbon Financial Planners Stephen Rowntree and Richard Wadsworth will embark on a charity cycle between all four of Carbon’s offices in a lung-busting, thigh-burning journey of 230 miles over three days to raise money for a fantastic Scottish charity, Aberlour Childcare Trust.

Aberlour’s vision is ‘for all Scotland’s children and young people to be safe, to fulfill their potential and enjoy the benefits of stable family life and social inclusion’.

As Carbon’s approach to charity is to support child-related causes throughout Scotland, we think that Aberlour is a perfect example of a charity doing great work in this sector, and putting donations they receive to great use.

The Route

The first leg of The Carbon Four Offices Cycle Challenge on 23rd May will be from Aberdeen to Perth. This represents the longest, toughest (and perhaps the most overly-ambitious!) of the days, at over 100 miles and with a stiff climb up over Braemar and Glenshee.

The second leg, on 24th May, takes Stephen and Richard a little under 80 miles from Perth, through Gleneagles, Dunblane and Doune, before a tough undulating run into Glasgow.

The final leg, on 25th May, goes from Glasgow to Edinburgh, with the aim to follow the Pedal4Scotland route out of Glasgow up to Linlithgow before picking cycle paths into the West End and Carbon’s office in Manor Place. This leg should be a little under 50 miles.

Join In

We would be delighted if anyone would like to join us for the event, or for stages of it. We would particularly like to get a group together to meet us in Glasgow (or Linlithgow which is only 20 miles to Edinburgh!) to help us get through the last stage.

Please do get in touch if you would like to take part in any capacity. As an incentive, food and drinks await cyclists at our Edinburgh office for a post-ride celebration!

For more information or to donate to this great cause, please visit our JustGiving page at – any donations would be greatly appreciated.

If you have any questions and/or would like to join in, please contact Stephen on or Richard on

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Progeny is independent financial planning, investment management, tax services, property, HR and legal counsel, all in one place.

Carbon Financial Partners, part of The Progeny Group, is a trading name of Carbon Financial Partners Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under reference 536900.

Carbon Financial Partners Limited is registered in Scotland. Company registration number SC386400. Registered Address: 61 Manor Place, Edinburgh, EH3 7EG. Carbon Financial Partners Limited is part of The Progeny Group Limited.

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